Happy New Year!  Wait… it’s July.  Yet this is the first post of 2018.  What happened?  

First, Quincy Jewell Garner happened a year ago, July 11th.  My loyal readers may recall that I announced I’d be taking some time off.  In the meantime my husband and I also moved from New York City to a college town in Indiana, where, as of this year, I began teaching.  This admittedly removes me from the “city” part of thecityaudition, a dozen years of auditioning notwithstanding, but it puts me closer to the young and fierce who are embarking on their careers, and for whom this blog is intended.  (In New York City, the young and fierce quickly become the old and jaded.  Ha ha!  #kiddingnotkidding)  This blog will continue to grow as I see firsthand the types of dilemmas the #youngandfierce are facing and what sort of solutions they find.  I also plan on blogging more about the work/life/artist balance as I carve out my own roles as an artist, teacher and mother. 

Thanks for supporting the City Audition!  Keep an eye out for new and original content!