We’re approaching cold and flu season, which can be particularly devastating to both working and auditioning actors.  Of course we all know that we should be getting lots of rest and fluids and blah, blah, blah.   But auditioning in New York City– or any city, for that matter– frequently requires a drink to keep your sanity intact.  Or to network with friends.  Or to cry into at the end of the week.   Or to… well, you get my drift.  

I am a big proponent of the medicinal qualities of alcohol.  Certain drinks, like whiskey hot toddies, can help alleviate the symptoms of cold and flu. Additionally, doctors confirm that when alcohol dilates your blood vessels a bit, your mucus membranes are better equipped to deal with infections.  So belly up to the bar, my friends!  Or stay indoors, throw on some comfy jammies, and mix yourself one of the following:

Sparkling Turmeric Tonic:  

Turmeric fights inflammation– and wins!

Add 3 ounces vodka, I tablespoon ground turmeric, 1 tablespoon minced ginger, 1 peeled orange, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 cup water to your trusty blender.  Blend on high speed till smooth.  Fill 3 glasses with ice (for you and your other sick friends) and divide evenly among them.  Top each glass with sparkling water, stir gently, and stir. 

Source:  Sunset Magazine

Casting Aspersions

This is the honest-to-God name of this cocktail, invented by Stephen Cole and Greg Buttera.  It’s best to use clear, unaged white whiskey.

Combine 2 ounces white whiskey, 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice, 3/4 ounce grapefruit juice, 1/2 ounce of honey syrup (2 teaspoons honey mixed with 1 teaspoon warm water), and a dash of angostura bitters into a cocktail shaker.  Fill the shaker with ice and shake well.  Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass and garnish with a mint sprig, if you’re fancy.  

Source:  Food and Wine Magazine

Bran’s Dram

“If rum won’t give you that warming glow of wellness, the hot tea will,” Benjamin Schiller, beverage director of Chicago’s The Berkshire Room, and presumed Game of Thrones fan, assures us.  

Seep 1 berry herbal tea bag in a mug with 6 ounces of hot water.  Wait two or three minutes, basically making a cup of tea (duh), then discard the tea bag.  Like you do.  Stir in 1 1/2 ounces white rum, 1/4 ounce of fresh lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon of honey.  

Source:  Bon Appetit Magazine

Whiskey Hot Toddy

I can personally attest to the benefits of this tried-and-true cold-fighting cocktail.  If you’re going out, you can ask for this at the bar.  The bartender may tell you they have no cloves, and that’s fine.  The lemon by itself Will Do.  But if you’re making it at home, definitely indulge in the cloves.  Aah, just thinking of this cocktail gets me excited for the first tickle of a scratchy throat! 

Pour 8 ounces hot water into a mug, along with 1 ounce bourbon.  Add 1 tablespoon honey, stirring to dissolve.  Stick a half a dozen whole cloves into a slice of lemon, squeeze the lemon just slightly to release some juice without losing the cloves, then plop the entire slice into your drink.  It’s heaven.  

Source:  Me